Interest Group Descriptions
Last Updated: Feb 05, 2025, 08:44 AM
Adventure Gals
The Adventure Gals explore the southern Illinois area with Saturday day trips. We take 2 to 4 outings a year. Past outings have included hiking, kayaking, and exploring historic towns. Outings are announced to members via email. For more information, contact Donna Wilson at or 618-559-0830.
Antiques and Collectibles
The Antique and Collectibles Interest Group hosts speakers who discuss antiques and collectibles having historic, artistic and aesthetic value. Presentations are accompanied by members’ questions and viewing antiques. Programs end with a yummy treat: a beverage and dessert. Join us the first Tuesday of the month (October through May) at 1:30 p.m. Locations will be announced to group members. For more information, contact Vivian Ugent (618-457-5258, or Carol O’Donnell (618-549-2287,
Book Discussion – Afternoon
The Afternoon Book Discussion Interest Group meets the second Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. Books are chosen by the group and range from contemporary novels to classics to non-fiction. Want to see what we've read over the years? We've compiled a spreadsheet of all books the group has read since 1975. Meetings begin with refreshments (we find sugar enhances our literary insights) with the discussions lasting until 3 p.m. One volunteer gives a brief summary of the background of the book and author; then we are open for a wide-ranging discussion. Even those who have not had time to read the book find the conversation worth their while, which provides an incentive to “finish the book”! The variety of books and the variety of opinions provide something for everyone. Join us if you enjoy reading and/or would like to have suggestions of good books to read. Contact Janet Earnest (618-549-0416, if you have additional questions or need directions.
Breakfast Group
The Breakfast Group is a group of early risers who meet, talk, and laugh with friends over breakfast. It meets at 7:30 a.m. the third Friday of each month throughout the year at Sunny Street Cafe in Carbondale. We have no formal program and usually finish by 9 a.m. For more information, contact Janet Banerjee (618-687-3582,
Bridge – Afternoon
Join us for a lively afternoon of bridge in members’ homes 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 1-3 p.m. For more information, contact Olga Weidner (618-549-7527,
Bridge – Couples
3rd Saturday, 2 p.m. at a members' home. For more information, contact Kitty Trescott (618-203-1807,
China Dongxi
3rd Monday each month, 1:30-3 p.m. The group will take a look at one aspect/facet of China, including a hands-on element, and of course, a cup of Chinese tea and a snack. For more information, contact Kitty Trescott at or 618-203-1807.
Community Service and Volunteerism
The new Community Service and Volunteerism group will be an opportunity to work together to give back to the Carbondale and Southern Illinois area. We can volunteer to support events such as Keep Carbondale Beautiful, organize trash pickups in our areas, or whatever the group decides we are passionate to support. We may meet once a month to socialize and plan for upcoming events or just circulate events via email, and work on getting volunteers. Pam Altman, leader, or 618-534-0489.
Cuisine of the World
Cuisine of the World meets four times a year. Our goal is to learn how to prepare authentic dishes from around the world. For more information, contact Olga Weidner (618-549-7527, or Amelia Ketzle (
Culinary Cruisers
Join us for a quarterly trip to a culinary adventure in Southern Illinois or surrounding areas. Trips will take place on Saturdays or Sundays and will involve travel of up to 2 hours each way in order to experience eating, drinking, and adventure somewhere a little further afield. Group may also plan additional activities at each destination as time allows. Possible destinations include Paducah, Centralia, Effingham, Waterloo, St. Louis, and more. Carpooling or other group transportation will likely be arranged for each trip. For more information or to join, contact Amelia Ketzle at
Cultural Events of Southern Illinois
This group will coordinate and arrange 2-4 outings per year at some of the many cultural events in Southern Illinois. Could it be the symphony? Theater? Art shows? By coming together, we can encourage participation in regional arts and culture events while also taking advantage of group pricing and enjoy pre- or post-show meals or socializing. This is a new group and completely open to your ideas on how we should work. Have ideas and want to co-lead? Even better! Kathryn Sime, leader,773-251-1257 or
Euchre & More
Meets once a month to play Euchre and other card games. The location and times will be determined based on the availability of the members. Contact Pam Altman if interested ( or 618-534-0489).
Evening at the Cinema
The group will meet monthly on the first Sunday at the theater located in Carbondale. Group members will be notified of the movie, the theater, the day and time via email or a phone call each month. An optional pre-movie social also will be planned. Participation fee is the cost of the movie. To be included on the notification list, contact Michelle Connet (
Gentle Toning, Stretching, and Yoga Techniques (GTSY)
The GTSY (“Gutsy’) Group meets weekly, Thursday, 5:45 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Carbondale for those exercises that keep the joints flexible. For more information, contact Nelda Hinckley (618-549-5588,
Knitting and Stitching
The Knitting and Stitching Interest group meets in members’ homes the fourth Thursday of the month, September through May at 1 p.m. It is such a nice time to get caught up on our handiwork that often gets put aside because of other commitments in our lives. We enjoy one another’s company and, of course, the dessert! Contact Sue Burroughs ( or 618-203-2360.
Meet ‘n Eat
The Meet ‘n Eat Interest Group meets at 12 noon on the second Wednesday of the month. The group decides from month to month the restaurant choice. A Carbondale restaurant is selected during the winter months, but out-of-town restaurants may be selected other months. Car pools can be arranged. For more information, contact Sue Burroughs ( 618-203-2360 or Kerry Cole ( 618-201-7429.
Opera Group
We will meet in Carbondale and then carpool to Cape Girardeau to enjoy The Metropolitan Opera in Live HD Series on select Saturdays October through May. For more information, please contact Olga Weidner (618-549-7527,
The Scrabble Group meets at 2 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. This is a fun group of women who enjoy pitting their word skills against each other. We use the latest version of the Scrabble Dictionary and are flexible with the rules regarding consulting the Dictionary for words. New players are always welcome, and you can come as often or as infrequently as you like. We correspond with email reminders and confirmation of availability to play each month. Contact Mary Pohlmann at (618-534-8472)for further information.
Suitcase Sisters
This interest group is for women who like to travel, but don't always have someone to travel with. It will combine research, learning, fellowship and travel. The group will meet monthly. As a group we will brainstorm about places we would like to travel. This could be a short weekend trip to St. Louis or Nashville, an extended trip to another country, a rail trip across Canada, a visit to a National Park, or wherever our interests take us. Once a decision is made about where to travel different members of the group will be in charge of researching different aspects of the trip; such as places to stay, museums, best way to travel, the availability of tours, etc. Sometimes we may take two short trips a year and other years it may be one big trip. The participants will define what the interest group does. If you are interested, contact Susan Pimentel ( (
Welcoming Newcomers Dinner Group
This is a dynamic group of ladies which meets monthly to welcome new members and helps start their social networking journey! If you have just joined SIU Women’s Club, this is a great way to meet other members. All are welcome. It meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. At each dinner, the group discusses where to meet the following month (at a local restaurant or at a member’s home with guests contributing through potluck). For more information, contact Amelia Ketzle at
Winery of the Month
This new group will visit and explore one winery in Southern Illinois approximately every month, on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Enjoy wine, companionship, and maybe live music from some of our talented local musicians, as well as food and maybe even some history! If interested, contact Deb Sarvela at (618) 303-7178 or